Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lifehacker Blog Review

So I chose the lifehacker blog ( to talk about.  At first glance I picked this blog site because of the title.  To be honest, I thought before clicking on this link that the site would talk about actual hacking, like security hacks.  I was very disappointing to find out that it doesn't have anything about network exploitation.  However I found this site interesting.  Everything is in the middle.  I mean everything is aligned to the center of the web page.  With an ad at the top and allows you to sign in.  The site talks about many useful things to help improve your life, like linking email accounts or ways to save up money with useful tips and products.

Now I read his posts about syncing 2 gmail accounts.  Click here to read the blog.  I find it interesting but I have my own reasons on why syncing email accounts is a bad thing.  If you don't mind it then you should read this because the blogger really explains how to do this, it makes it simple to do.


  1. Why do you think syncing email accounts is a bad thing?

  2. It's not a bad thing, but when I think of syncing, i think of syncing emails on my cellphone. I was just reading an article ( ) before this post. In a programming sense if it were possible to create an app for phones that were to look through other information, such as emails then syncing would make it easier for the attacker. I'm not sure if that would be true or not, but I would assume that if all information were in a pool, its easier to gather.
